Organisation > A.E.T.F. Constitution




The European Taekwon-Do Union (E.T.U.) has the status of an international, non governmental, non-political, non-profit organization of unlimited duration, that does not recognize differences of race, religion, politics or sex, and it is affiliated to the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF).



  1. The ETU gathers the National Federations of the independent states of the European Continent.
  2. From each nation only one Federation can be member, and if more Associations within a country claim representation, it will be given to the one which is the highest sporting organization.
  3. The Member Federations are the representatives of the ETU in their respective countries and they have the right and the obligation of participating in all the activities of the E.T.U. and in its Congresses, where they will inform about their development and needs and formulate and decide on any kind of proposals concerning its rules and direction.



  1. A Federation which would like to become member of the ETU should request it, and submit its statutes, activities calendar, number of clubs, grades and members, and the documentation which demonstrates its technical and organizational level.
  2. The Secretary General will expose the candidature to the Directing Committee, who will study it, decide provisionally, and then submit it to the next Congress, which will take a final decision in order to accept or not the candidature, who will have to be represented personally by an official delegate at this precise session of the Congress.
  3. Any Federation having so chosen to be member of ETU can only be excluded as it is established on these Statutes.




  1. To join and strength the ties and the supporting spirit between the taekwondokas from all over the world, and specially from Europe.
  2. To promote the friendship relations and the understanding between its members and with the other Continental Unions and recognized organizations.
  3. To study and perform proposals for collaborating with the ITF in the development and the application of the technical, sport and organizational regulations.
  4. To assist their members in their effort to the progress of Taekwondo and the implementation of the ETU programs in their area.
  5. To coordinate and organize in Europe the International and official meetings, camps, events and activities.
  6. To be the full European Taekwon-Do representation and to defend its exclusive property without limitation of the European Championships.
  7. To solve the possible discrepancies that may appear between the member Federations.



  1. The ETU official Headquarters will be at the President's residence.
  2. The ETU official language is English.



The Governing Bodies of the ETU are:
  1. The Congress.
  2. The Directing Committee.
  3. The President.



  1. Is the main sovereign decision body of the ETU.
  2. It will be held,- in principle, at least once every calendar year, at the place and date determined at the previous one. The Directing Committee could take the decision in case of main force.
  3. Elects the Directing Committee, and approves or not their reports, decisions and directions.
  4. Approves the Statutes, its modifications and the important regulations.
  5. Decides upon:
  6. The Agenda:
    1. The Congress may consider only items that are included on the Agenda. Any other one will need the approval of the simple majority to be discussed.
    2. At least three months before the Congress, the General Secretary will submit to each member Federation the matters to be included.
    3. The proposals must be written in the official language.
    4. The Directing Committee will prepare the Agenda, and the Secretary General shall sent the final documentation to all the Members one month before the Congress.
  7. The Delegates:
    1. Each Member Federation may be represented by two delegates of its own association and nationality, the chief of the delegation and one deputy assistant, and both have the right to speak.
    2. Any member Federation whose language is not the official one may also have their own interpreter in attendance.
    3. Except the National Presidents themselves, all the other attending delegates must be in possession of an official credential indicating his role, with the stamp of their national association and the personal signature of their president.
    4. A member Federation could be represented by other Member Federation that attends the Congress.
    5. The verification of the credentials will be carried out by a Committee formed by a Vice-President, the Secretary General and the General Treasurer before the Congress. In the case of any dispute the Secretary General shall submit it to the Congress.
    6. Observers may be invited to the Congress by the President, or with his authorization, and they will have the right to speak only with his authorization.
  8. The votes.
    1. Every member nation has only one vote, and this right belongs only to its president or his officially appointed representative.
    2. No nation can have more than two votes one by itself and other by proxy.
    3. The members of the Directing Committee don not have the right to vote, except those who represent Member Federations.
    4. The Congress shall decided by majority vote, which shall be done by raising the hand or by a roll call. If the President or at least five of the delegates demand it, the voting shall be by secret ballot.
    5. The President have the right of a casting vote.
  9. The Congress shall be open, chaired and closed by the President of the ETU, or in his absence by a Vice-President, and he shall be assisted by the General Secretary.
  10. The decision and discussions of the Congress shall have validity, at least if one third of the Member Federations are present at the meeting.



  1. If at least two thirds of the Member Federations request it, or if the Directing Committee consider it necessary, an extraordinary Congress may be convened at the place chosen by the President.
  2. The Agenda for this extraordinary meeting must indicate the reasons for doing it.
  3. The adopted decisions shall have equal validity and comply with the same conditions as those of an ordinary Congress.



  1. It is formed up by:
  2. With the exception of the President, a Federation will only have one member within the Directing Committee.
  3. Its members shall hold their office for four years and may offer themselves for reelection.
  4. The candidatures for the D. C. must be received in the E.T.U. Headquarters with sufficient advance, in original letter and duly signed by the President of the Member Federation of the nation of the candidate, who shall include a short curriculum to be circulated.
  5. The Generals Secretary and Treasurer will be proposed by the President and ratified by the Congress, and the rest of the members will be elected directly by the Congress.
  6. It will be elections for half of the D.C. offices every two years, and they will be in force once the main event that is held at the same time of the Congress is over.
  7. In case of vacancy, the D.C. can coopt a new member until its following Congress, and such new person completes the mandate of the member he is replacing.
  8. The D.C. meetings:



  1. Is elected by the Congress during the year after the Olympic Games are hold.
  2. Presides, directs and represents the ETU over all official activities, is a member ex officio of all commissions and working groups and shall have precedence whenever he attends one of their meetings.
  3. Sets up permanent or ad hoc commissions, meetings and working groups whenever it appears necessary, establishes their terms of reference and designates their members.
  4. He take actions between D.C. meetings and in extraordinary circumstances, but such decisions must be submitted for ratification by the competent body.
  5. In case of temporal or permanent absence or inability to fulfill the duties of his office, for any reason, the presidency shall be assumed by a Vice-president until the next Congress.



  1. The Vice-presidents shall assist the President and they will replace him whenever necessary.
  2. Each Vice-president can be in charge of the activity area which shall be proposed by the President and accepted by the Directing Committee, and in this capacity, he will represent the ETU in the ITF.
    This areas will be as follows:



  1. He is proposed by the President and will be ratified by the Congress and he will have rank of Vice-president.
  2. He will be in charge of the protocol and the General Secretariat work, with the assistant of administration staff, and by the delegation of the President, to keep the regular contacts and reports with the Member Federations and third parties.
  3. Is a member ex officio of ail commissions and working groups and can be present in all official activities of the ETU.
  4. He has to prepare the corresponding minutes, and on behalf of the President, he has to sent the official invitations to the Congresses, the Championships and to all the other official events of the E.T.U.



  1. He is ratified by the Congress and proposed by the President.
  2. He will be in charge of the ETU finances, especially for keeping regular accounts. All EUROPEAN TAEKWONDO UNION expenses before being incurred shall previously be authorized by the President.



  1. Operating and administrative expenses of the ETU are covered by the resources provided by the annual dues, entrance fees, donations, and remittances from other sources.
  2. Member Federations must pay an annual fee as fixed by the Congress.
  3. The members of the D. C. will offer their services freely as honorific title, nevertheless, their traveling and lodging expenses, for meetings and official commissions, will be assumed by the ETU Treasury.



  1. For checking and control the accounts, during each Ordinary Annual Congress an Auditing Committee must be elected, and they will report firstly to the President, secondly to the D.C., and finally to submit it with their remarks and recommendations to the Congress.
  2. The Committee will be formed by the three candidates that achieve more votes, and they will not belong to any Federation already represented in the D.C.



  1. The ETU member condition could be given up due to:
  2. Sanctions can be temporary or permanent and they could be appealed to the I.T.F.
  3. A member Federation may be expelled definitively because of:
  4. Before applying any measure, the competent ETU organ may issue a warning, and the decisions must be notified in writing to the party concerned, and all of them shall be effective forthwith, unless the competent organ decides otherwise.
  5. Member Federations who have not paid their annual fee or who are not in due situation with the Treasury on the fixed date, will be suspended of every international activity, until complete payment of all amounts due is made.
  6. Member Federations who are not in due situation with the Treasury at the date fixed for the Congress, could be invited to participate, but not the right to speak or vote.
  7. Any Member Federation may resign whenever from the ETU, but they must report the Directing Committee through a certified written document.
  8. The Directing Committee may financially or disciplinary sanction the Member Federations that not fulfill their compromises with the organization of a championship or any other activity.



  1. The ETU recognizes only those given by the ITF, by itself, or by its delegation by the National Member Federations.
  2. A member Federation may give a grade to a member of another Federation, only if it has its written approval.



  1. The Congress, proposed directly by the Directing Committee or by the National Federations trhough it, may bestow:
  2. The Directing Committee or the President, on behalf of the ETU, may bestow distinctions on to persons and associations, who have rendered special services.



  1. Future modifications must be approved by a majority vote of the Congress.
  2. For anything which is not covered by the present Statues, the Directing Committee may take action in accordance with the decisions of the Congress, or take the rvecessary decision which must then be submitted for approvai to the next Congress.



  1. The dissolution of the ETU will need the two thirds of majority vote from all Member Federations.
  2. In the case of dissolution, the property of the ETU will be divided amongst its members.


The actual Statute will be in force from the day after it has been approved, the 6-IV-1995, at the Congress heid in Köln, Germany.

Actual version of the A.E.T.F. Constitution, July 2002 | download as pdf document .
Prior version of the A.E.T.F. Constitution (E.T.U.), April 1995 | download as pdf document
First version of the A.E.T.F. Constitution | Download as pdf document